Lightning Picklist Component


By using lightning component, you can Retrieve List of Picklist values from any custom and Standard object.Lightning Component can be Reused in Different components by passing object Name and Field Name.

Create Apex Class:

public class PickListController {
public static List<String> getPickListValuesIntoList(String objectType, String selectedField){
List<String> pickListValuesList = new List<String>();
Schema.SObjectType convertToObj = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(objectType);
Schema.DescribeSObjectResult res = convertToObj.getDescribe();
Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult = res.fields.getMap().get(selectedField).getDescribe();
List<Schema.PicklistEntry> ple = fieldResult.getPicklistValues();
for( Schema.PicklistEntry pickListVal : ple){
return pickListValuesList;

Lightning PicklistComponent:

<aura:component controller="PickListController" access="global" >
<aura:attribute name="sObjectName" type="String" />
<aura:attribute name="fieldName" type="String" />
<aura:attribute name="picklistValues" type="Object" />
<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.doInit}" />


doInit : function(component) {
var action = component.get("c.getPickListValuesIntoList");
objectType: component.get("v.sObjectName"),
selectedField: component.get("v.fieldName")
action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
var list = response.getReturnValue();
component.set("v.picklistValues", list);

You can use  this component in different Lightning components to get Picklist field and its value.Below code should in after at the starting of component tag.

<aura:attribute name=”picklistValues” type=”Object” />
<c:PicklistValues sObjectName=”OpportunityfieldName=”StageName” picklistValues=”{!v.picklistValues}” />

Modify the sobjectName and fieldName to Retrieve picklist field and its values from objects.

Paste this below Line of code in Components and based on the sobjectName and fieldName it will Retrieve picklist field.

<lightning:layoutItem flexibility="auto" padding="around-small">
<div class="custom-box">
<lightning:select value="{!v.Opportunity.StageName}">
<option value="">Choose one…</option>
<aura:iteration items="{!v.picklistValues}" var="item">
<option value="{!item.value}">
